Bunker Hill Comm. College - Student Central Administrative Offices

Student Central Administrative Offices


In concert with the main Student Central renovation several phased renovations of swing space followed up on the main Student Central project to improve the back office administrative facilities throughout the Bunker Hill Community College Campus.

Office spaces which had once been setup to support students waiting in lines to interact with administrative staff were now reworked as most student solutions were self service or by appointment at the new Student Central space.   In some cases administrative spaces are located near by or directly adjacent Student Central for ease of access.  Others were relocated to less valuable locations on campus prioritizing the creation of new student amenities and classroom space relocating administrative functions to out of the way locations.

Student Central Administrative Offices at Bunker Hill Community College, interior, occupied cubicles with office chairs, computers, other office equipment, staff occupy the space

The spaces now focus on staff work environment, comfort and productivity.  Efficient office layouts, staff amenities and personal privacy were amenities staff universally requested.