Bunker Hill Comm. College - Student Central

Student Central - BHCC One Stop
Re-Invent student/administration interaction

by creating an inviting flexible administrative customer service environment, where students can simply walk right up for help.


Student Central One Stop at Bunker Hill Community College, student services center area with kiosks   Student Central One Stop at Bunker Hill Community College, student services center area with kiosks, staff and students in the space

Re-invigorate the campus environment

by creating a welcoming front desk and a new vibrant free flowing main entrance with flexible spaces for student gathering and events. The space matches the vibrant energy of the College’s diverse energetic commuter student body.

Student Central One Stop Central Café at Bunker Hill Community College


Reinforce campus community

The space fosters impromptu interactions by taking advantage of the pedestrian traffic flowing through the space and providing a campus lounge area where students can congregate during down time and are likely to casually run into friends, colleagues and faculty.


Student Central One Stop lounge area and student services area, at Bunker Hill Community College, longue seating and tables, chairs, café tables, student services desk, kiosks, students and staff occupy the space


Student Central One Stop student services area at Bunker Hill Community College, student services desks, kiosks, students and staff occupy the space